In this fast paced world in which we live, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Whether it's looking after immediate and/or extended family, cooking and cleaning, shopping and doing the school run, all whilst holding down a job is enough to make anyone run for the hills or the fridge!
Over the years I have come to recognise the triggers which can make me feel overwhelmed. These triggers have a theme - Clutter. Clutter comes in many shapes and sizes, Household (we all have too much stuff!) Emotional (living up to others expectations) Paper (are you still holding onto receipts of things you no longer own?!) Digital (do you have a collection of devices, lying dead in drawer?) and final mental clutter ( no room to think clearly?)
Let's focus on the household clutter. WE ALL HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF! For me de-cluttering my first room was a life changing experience. I discovered that I was happier and being totally honest, nicer after I had de-cluttered, deep-cleaned and re-organised just one room.
It gave me the confidence to do the next room in the hope it would have the same effect on my family!
I can actually split the benefits of de-cluttering, deep-cleaning and re-organising into three sections...
Benefit 1 - Better Physical Health
Completing the de-cluttering, deep-cleaning and re-organising of a room or entire home will vastly reduce dust, mould, pet hairs etc. All things which can cause allergies and the symptoms of allergies to increase. It will also decrease the time you spend on tidying and cleaning, giving you more time to exercise, walk the dog or even train for a marathon!
Benefit 2 - Better Mental Health
Living in a calm, clean and organised home has to be good for our mental health! Knowing where stuff is, and where to put stuff away is a sure fired stress buster.
Benefit 3 - Better Financial Health
Not knowing what you have in your cupboards can lead to buying more than you need and wasting money which could be used for a fun day out, or towards a holiday.
Let's face it, we all know what we should do but sometimes taking that first step is the hardest. By booking an Initial Home Consultation with us, we will ensure the rest of the process is stress free and long lasting.