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  • natsarthur

Minimal preparation required

We are delighted that you have booked your Initial Home Consultation (IHC) with Clutter Free Lives. Both Christine and I are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know your needs and expectations. Many thanks in advance of welcoming us into your home.

I thought it would be helpful to share some tips and advice on how to maximise the time spent during the IHC.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us either by email; or give me a call on 07478 876895. Christine is available on 07811 372891.

  1. We favour the 'one room at a time' approach. So, choose the room which is causing you the most stress.

  2. No need to tidy up before we arrive, honestly! We offer a completely non-judgemental service and we are there to help!

  3. When faced with an emotional task such as de-cluttering, it can be hugely emotional, it's a good idea to mentally prepare yourself. Clearing your mind and visualising your newly de-cluttered, deep-cleaned and re-organised room will help.

  4. Remind yourself why you are doing this. What are your goals and objectives?

  5. We will need your input during the de-cluttering phase. In fact, we can't do this without you, so make sure you have put it in the diary.

  6. For safety reasons we request that children and pets are excluded from the room whilst we are transforming it for you.

  7. When we present you with your newly de-cluttered, deep-cleaned and re-organised room, we will ask you to complete our standards checklist. We will leave you alone to do this, as you don't want us hovering over you! If anything needs further attention we will address it straight away and before we ask for payment.

  8. Payment can be made by credit or debit card and we will email you the invoice and receipt.

Our objective is to leave you with a beautiful room that you can feel proud of, relax in and enjoy!

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